12 weeks | 30 CPE credits | 6 hours GT eligible

Asynchronous with opportunities for virtual collaboration
$1,000 per participant*
New cohorts begin monthly.
Participants discover how aspects of the evaluation tool T-TESS Domains and Dimensions can be applied to blended learning. They rethink traditional teaching approaches, collaborate with peers, and deepen their knowledge of blended learning practices. This is a project-based course with a focus on personalized work products.
Prerequisite: Completion of the Foundations of Blended Learning course or evidence of robust implementation of blended learning.
*Course fees qualify for reimbursement by the Texas Education Agency upon completion.

Module 1 Planning for a Blended Learning Environment (6 hours)
- Share a self-designed blended learning activity and reflect on the blended learning elements integrated into the activity
- Interact with a digital resource that models the use of technology to formatively assess understanding
- Interview students about their blended learning experiences
- Create a 5E differentiated lesson plan
Module 2 Implementing Blended Instruction (8 hours, GT credit eligible)
- Create an infographic detailing expectations for student achievement in a blended classroom
- Make an instructional video using a content creation tool
- Develop a survey to gather information from students and teachers regarding blended learning efforts
- Visit a blended learning classroom and determine the level of differentiation observed
- Conduct a self-regulation skills activity to determine strategies for monitoring and adjusting blended learning efforts
Module 3 Supporting and Managing a Blended Learning Environment (8 hours)
- Reflect on the incorporation of blended learning routines and procedures
- Address blended learning FAQs and share responses with peers
- Interview a blended learning colleague and share findings using an online collaboration tool
Module 4 Professional Practice and Responsibilities (8 hours)
- Reflect on implementation results of Blended Learning Action Plans
- Create and share videos highlighting blended learning efforts
- Share evidence to showcase blended learning expertise relating to the ISTE Educator Standards
- Observe blended learning classrooms and reflect on findings
Showcase Presentation for Advanced Blended Learning
Each participant in Advanced Blended Learning is required to develop a presentation to share on Zoom.
- Sessions are 5 minutes long, and you may collaborate with a colleague
- You control your presentation regarding format, tools, activities, etc
- Webinars will be after school, time TBD by the cohort
- Requirements for the 5-minute session:
- Share how you have implemented the ISTE Standards for Educators in your blended setting
- Choose three standards to address throughout the showcase
- Display the supporting artifacts and discuss the implementation evidence for the chosen standards
- Conduct a discussion with the other participants regarding the artifacts and evidence presented
Support Elements
Access to a success coach to monitor progress and answer questions
Personalized and prompt feedback on all work products
Online collaboration with highly skilled blended learning facilitators
Templates, checklists, exemplars, and other resources to guide the work of a blended learning teacher
Blended Learning Courses
- Foundations of Blended Learning
- Advanced Blended Learning
- Personalized Blended Learning
- Blended Learning Coaching and Collaboration
- Designing Project-Based Instruction and Blended Learning
- Implementing Project-Based Instruction and Blended Learning
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP Computer Science A
- Foundations of Cybersecurity
- Teaching Algebra 1 Using Blended Learning
- Introduction to Data-Driven Instruction
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Blended Learning Classrooms
- Mastering the New Science TEKS
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