12 weeks | 30 CPE credits | 6 hours GT eligible

Asynchronous with opportunities for virtual collaboration
$1,000 per participant*
New cohorts begin monthly.
Foundations of Blended Learning is designed as an introductory course. Participants research best practices and model them in their classrooms. Through a series of job-embedded activities, participants increase their knowledge of blended learning to create a more a personalized learning experience for their students.
*Course fees qualify for reimbursement by the Texas Education Agency upon completion.

Module 1 Blended Learning: Where Do I Start? (4 hours)
- Research current blended learning practices and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for educators and summarize findings
- Learn about different models of blended learning and create a station rotation module
- Review four reliable technology tools that are often integrated into blended classrooms: Seesaw, Nearpod, Flipgrid, and Padlet
Module 2 Personalized Learning in the Blended Classroom (6 hours, GT credit eligible)
- Research personalized learning and share findings with classmates
- Create a sample personalized learning plan and provide/receive peer feedback
- Review sample data tracking systems and develop a tool to support student data tracking
Module 3 Tools and Strategies for Managing a Blended Learning Environment (8 hours)
- Research blended classroom management tools and develop a blended classroom management plan
- Participate in discussions regarding enhancement of communication and collaboration
- Create a blended 5E lesson plan
Module 4 Capstone: Blended Learning Reflections (12 hours)
- Conduct observations of blended learning classrooms and provide feedback
- Choose blended learning topics from a menu of items to further research: digital citizenship, technology and the 5E learning cycle, student-centered learning, assessment, and more
- Write a blended learning action plan
- Write a reflection paper
Support Elements
Access to a success coach to monitor progress and answer questions
Personalized and prompt feedback on all work products
Online collaboration with highly skilled blended learning facilitators
Templates, checklists, exemplars, and other resources to guide the work of a blended learning teacher
Blended Learning Courses
- Foundations of Blended Learning
- Advanced Blended Learning
- Personalized Blended Learning
- Blended Learning Coaching and Collaboration
- Designing Project-Based Instruction and Blended Learning
- Implementing Project-Based Instruction and Blended Learning
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP Computer Science A
- Foundations of Cybersecurity
- Teaching Algebra 1 Using Blended Learning
- Introduction to Data-Driven Instruction
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Blended Learning Classrooms
- Mastering the New Science TEKS
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