Introduction to Data-Driven Instruction

12 weeks | 20 CPE credits

PD Badge Data-Driven Instruction

Asynchronous with opportunities for virtual collaboration

$1,000 per participant*


This course is designed to transform educational practices by integrating comprehensive data analysis into everyday teaching, empowering educators to make informed decisions, tailor instruction to individual student needs, and drive academic success. Participants learn how to harness the power of student assessment data to create effective personalized learning experiences.

*Course fees qualify for reimbursement by the Texas Education Agency upon completion.

Module 1 Data-Driven Instruction: Where Do I Start?

  • What is data-driven instruction?
  • Connect blended learning to data-driven instruction
  • Explore tools to support data-driven instruction

Module 2 Begin with the End in Mind

  • Understand the TEKS
  • Create TEKS breakdown and exemplars
  • Review past data to enhance success 

Module 3 Processes of Analyzing Student Data

  • Examine student data protocols
  • Practice utilizing data-driven decision making for your content

Module 4 Formative Assessments and Adjustments to Instructional Delivery

  • Differentiate between formative vs summative assessment
  • Build personalized learning environments in your classroom

Module 5 Data-Driven Instruction Action Plan

  • Select student data protocol to implement at scale
  • Develop communication and tracking processes and materials to support successful implementation of the plan


  • Empower educators with data literacy
  • Promote real-time assessment and feedback
  • Foster a personalized learning environment
  • Encourage data-driven decision making in education
  • Enhance student learning outcomes

Support Elements

Access to a success coach to monitor progress and answer questions

Personalized and prompt feedback on all work products

Online collaboration with highly skilled blended learning facilitators

Templates, checklists, exemplars, and other resources to guide the work of a blended learning teacher