12 weeks | 30 CPE credits | 6 hours GT eligible

Asynchronous with opportunities for virtual collaboration
$1,000 per participant*
New cohorts begin monthly.
This course extends work participants did in Designing Project-Based Instruction for the Blended Classroom and provides step-by-step guidance and support to bring their blended PBI unit to life. Participants delve into the challenges of implementing PBI in the blended classroom and consider broad efforts to address or minimize any potential obstacles.
Prerequisite: Completion of the Designing Project-Based Instruction for the Blended Classroom course.
*Course fees qualify for reimbursement by the Texas Education Agency upon completion.

Course Objectives
- Explore detailed scheduling of a PBI unit
- Create comprehensive formative and summative assessments and corresponding rubrics
- Differentiate a blended PBI unit for learners of varying backgrounds
- Build a framework for connecting with community members or field experts who work with students and serve as authentic audience members for student presentations
Support Elements
Personalized and prompt feedback on all work products
Online collaboration with PBI colleagues, including synchronous Zoom sessions
Resources for creating additional PBI Units
Blended Learning Courses
- Foundations of Blended Learning
- Advanced Blended Learning
- Personalized Blended Learning
- Blended Learning Coaching and Collaboration
- Designing Project-Based Instruction and Blended Learning
- Implementing Project-Based Instruction and Blended Learning
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP Computer Science A
- Foundations of Cybersecurity
- Teaching Algebra 1 Using Blended Learning
- Introduction to Data-Driven Instruction
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Blended Learning Classrooms
- Mastering the New Science TEKS
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