12 weeks | 30 CPE credits
Asynchronous with opportunities for virtual collaboration
$1,000 per participant*

An additional perk! Free 90-day trial on IXL to explore mastery-based self-pacing.

This course offers secondary math educators the opportunity to learn more about blended learning tools and strategies that promote student-centered learning and exploration in their math classrooms. Participants will experiment with various blended frameworks and adaptive online learning platforms to incorporate mastery-based self-pacing and, ultimately, more personalized learning for their Algebra 1 students. By the end, educators will have developed a holistic understanding of how to map out lessons in a more personalized way, integrating technology purposefully into blended models, and ultimately increasing student engagement, achievement, and growth in this foundational secondary math course.
*Course fees qualify for reimbursement by the Texas Education Agency upon completion.
Module 1 Blended Learning in a Secondary Math Classroom
This module provides an overview of the foundations of blended learning for teachers new to this pedagogical approach or serves as a review for those already familiar with the basic tools and strategies of blended learning. This overview includes secondary math-specific blended tools and strategies, complemented by video support and exemplars from Texas teachers who are already integrating blended learning in their secondary math classrooms.
Module 2 Beginning With the End in Mind
This module will guide educators in organizing their course goals and exploring the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approach to Backward Design. This method helps identify standards, plan assessments, and develop activities to effectively structure lessons aimed at achieving student mastery. Participants will apply Backward Design to map out a lesson and create an online formative assessment to evaluate student knowledge at the beginning of the lesson. The assessment will inform the teacher's planning of learning activities, ultimately promoting measurable student growth by the lesson's conclusion.
Module 3 Planning & Pacing
Participants will share and analyze their Scope and Sequence, and review their Year-at-a-Glance planning document. Teachers will examine examples of self-pacing in secondary math classrooms and explore ways to incorporate self-pacing into their multimodal, student-centered approach to Algebra 1 instruction.
Module 4 Personalizing Algebra 1 Using Blended Learning
This module focuses on familiarizing educators with instructional methods and online resources that promote student-centered learning, while also incorporating a data-driven approach. Teachers will create their own content using video-creation software and explore a choice of online adaptive programs to integrate into unit-level personalized pathways, enabling them to differentiate content and facilitate mastery-based self-pacing. Personalized pathways will include checkpoints that guide pacing based on data, as well as a progress tracking component.
Module 5 Inquiry, the 5Es, and Purposeful Technology in an Algebra 1 Classroom
This module promotes the use of multimodal tools and strategies to encourage student exploration and inquiry. Teachers will explore and create job-embedded artifacts using the 5E framework to organize a mix of online and offline elements, leveraging adaptive online programs and online platforms to gamify practice and assessment with feedback, as well as platforms like Desmos and Geogebra that encourage students to learn through discovery. Students will investigate concepts using hands-on and virtual simulations to recognize patterns and make lasting connections. Teachers will incorporate student-led reflections, explanations, and collaborative learning opportunities within the 5E framework.
Module 6 Preparing Students for STAAR Success without Teaching to the Test
This module asks participants to consider periodic assessments throughout the year, including continual formative assessments, unit summative assessments, SCAs, benchmarks, and the STAAR. Participants evaluate data from these assessments and develop student data trackers to support students in making data-guided choices in their review to help them achieve growth and, ultimately, mastery. This module provides examples of student tracking systems and highlights TEA STAAR resources to guide teachers in developing their own data-tracking approach, ensuring STAAR preparation is built into blended Algebra 1 instruction.
Module 7 Moving Forward with Blended Learning in Your Algebra 1 Classroom
The final module asks participants to reflect on their explorations in the course and determine which blended frameworks and resources will best support their planning and implementation of Algebra 1 instruction using blended learning. Teachers will develop a comprehensive action plan with next steps for planning and implementing blended learning in their Algebra 1 classrooms, as well as future professional development and collaboration opportunities on their campus, in their district, offsite, or virtually.
Course Objectives
- Explore Blended frameworks to promote student-centered personalized instruction
- Understand and apply backward design to create job-embedded artifacts
- Utilize adaptive online programs and investigate materials to intentionally resource lessons and promote mastery-based and data-driven self-pacing
- Incorporate inquiry via the 5E framework with multimodal tools and strategies
- Review exemplars and progress tracking systems to guide student-led data-driven review for STAAR
- Create an action plan for a transition to blended learning
Support Elements
Access to a success coach to monitor progress and answer questions
Personalized and prompt feedback on all work products
Online collaboration with highly skilled blended learning facilitators
Templates, checklists, exemplars, and other resources to guide the work of a blended learning teacher
Blended Learning Courses
- Foundations of Blended Learning
- Advanced Blended Learning
- Personalized Blended Learning
- Blended Learning Coaching and Collaboration
- Designing Project-Based Instruction and Blended Learning
- Implementing Project-Based Instruction and Blended Learning
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP Computer Science A
- Foundations of Cybersecurity
- Teaching Algebra 1 Using Blended Learning
- Introduction to Data-Driven Instruction
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Blended Learning Classrooms
- Mastering the New Science TEKS
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